Unlock Love with Your Eyes and Words

Unlock Love, post #3

Unlocking love can’t happen unless we are seeing God everywhere and acknowledging him with words.  By opening the gates of our eyes, emotions, ears and minds to God-reality, and marvelling at the miracles all around us, we get in flow of his love. 

The writer of Psalm 36 was surround by haters.  He starts by giving a lurid description of rebellious, conceited, evil-doing, self-centered liars. But the transition between verse 1-4 and 5-10 is striking.  He does a 180 degree turn.  He turns his attention to the ‘meteoric’ love of God! 

How does he keep from spiralling down into a pit of negative emotion?  It’s not by repenting with sackcloth and ashes.  How does he get his mind off those who are attacking him?  He thinks about the ‘astronomic’ faithfulness of the Lord.  How does he stay out of self-pity and self-centeredness?  He thinks about God’s tender care and kindness that leaves no one forgotten. 

How does he get out of bemoaning the ubiquitous ‘virus’ of people who ignore God and are constant doing evil?  He marvels at the ‘oceanic’ justice of God.  This is a great example of gratitude and worship DISPLACING all the bad feelings and thoughts.  It’s impossible to be stuck in a “woe-is-me”  mindset if we’re standing in awe of Love Divine. 

If we look at life from our seat in the heavens (Eph 2:6), we see reality from God’s point of view and speak into existence a positive vibe. 

When I go on a walk to pray and sing, I see God everywhere.  I feel him in the fresh, cool wind.  I see his glory in the sun, the trees and blue sky. I see amazing glorious clouds and say, “that’s the glory of God!”  (the spiritual reality behind the physical reality). 

As you go about your daily chores, say things like: 

“O God, how extravagant is your cherishing love!” 

“Your great faithfulness is infinite.” 

“You’re a fountain of cascading light, and you open our eyes to light.”

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